The LUMiFrac® - revolutionize your adhesion testing.
A New Approach to Adhesion Testing
The LUMiFrac® employs the CAT-Technology for adhesion testing.
The CAT-Technology (Centrifugation Adhesion Testing Technology) uses centrifugal forces to analyze the adhesive and cohesive bonding strength of materials.
Revolutionary in its approach to improving adhesion testing.
Revolutionary in its physical principles (a rotation around an axis completely external to the moving body is called a revolution).
The LUMiFrac® uses centrifugal forces to determine the adhesive properties of interfaces in real time.
The LUMiFrac® was designed to give you more control over the adhesion or cohesion test.
You can analyze up to eight samples simultaneously.
You can vary the rate of applied pull-off forces.
Sometimes, adhesives fail over time, not because they experience a sudden force greater than their design load but because they slowly weaken over time due to the variable workloads that occur over time.
With the LUMiFrac®, you can choose a constant applied pull-off force, but you can also vary the applied force sinusoidally or in a saw-tooth fashion over time.
This allows you to test possible failure mechanisms below the maximum design load.
The LUMiFrac® is also temperature controlled so that you can test for temperature effects.
Measure both tensile and shear stresses.
Running up to eight samples simultaneously ensures statistically relevant results.
Analyze lacquer coatings, composite materials in automotive and aircraft industries, adhesive tapes, multilayer foils for packaging or thin metal films on plastics, inks, optical substrates such as eyeglasses, mirrors, and more.
LUMiFrac® - revolutionary in every sense of the word
Adhesion Testing Analysis